Monday, March 10, 2008

Okay...I give up!!

As if I didn't already have too many things that need to get done!! Laundry and more laundry come to mind! :)
I have to say I thoroughly enjoy reading other blogs. I have thought about creating one myself for quite some time now. I haven't for many reasons...time, for one thing....and of course, time...and oh yeah, time. I could just be using that as an excuse though...apparently I have the time to read other's blogs.

The main problem is that life is passing us by too fast. The kids are growing in leaps and bounds right before my eyes. Soon enough they will be adults and I will be looking back with many regrets that I didn't record more of their lives. However, I am not much of a journal keeper. I have tried scrapbooking as well, but just can't seem to get in the groove of it. There are waaayyyy too many things that I keep telling myself, "I really need to write this down". I keep thinking I will remember the funny things the kids say...but who am I kidding? I can't remember my own age half the time. (Seriously)
So basically I am just going to have to bite the bullet and do it. Thanks to technology I can record some kind of journal, even if its not the typical kind. So here we go...hope you all enjoy my ramblings!


P.S. You'll have to forgive me for gushing about our kids...I'm just a smidge biased that way! :)


Krysta said...

Trish! What a surprise finding your comment on my blog! Hope you're doing great. Personally, I think blogging is an awesome way to "keep a journal." You've gotta go with the times, you know? Anyway, I am going to add you to my list so I can keep up with you and your family. Lots of love :)


Trish said...

Hey Krysta! Isn't it crazy what the internet can do?!
I look forward to reading yours too! :)