Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Preaching To The Masses

What image does this phrase bring to mind? The Savior teaching multitudes of gentiles? Missionaries going door to door? Well, for me its brings to mind cows. Yes...you heard me correctly...cows!

Let me explain...

So about a year or so ago our then 10 yr old, Rebecca, was saying family prayer. She said the typical things...please bless the leaders of the church...please bless us in school tomorrow...please bless us that we'll sleep well tonight, etc. Then she says...please bless the missionaries out in the "fields". Yes, field with an S. I had to stop myself from chuckling out loud...the image of two elders preaching to a herd of cows in the middle of a field immediately popped into my head. When the prayer was over I explained to her that it wasn't fields but field and why. Well, I think I corrected her maybe one other time after that. I have given up trying to correct her...mostly for selfish reasons.

I now look forward to Wednesdays...Rebecca's day to say the prayer. When it is her turn and she inevitably says "fields", it is not uncommon to find an eye ball or two propped open looking to see who else is trying not to laugh. I am pretty sure our Heavenly Father is doing the same.


Gerb said...

Classic! Eden's prayer last night included, "Bless those who are sick and those who have bandages, that they will get better." Bandages? I love kid prayers.

And beautiful picture of Rebecca! I love the way the sunlight looks, too. You have talent...although having beautiful kids makes beautiful pictures a little easier, too.

ablackman said...

That cow looks like he swallowed a star and hasn't been able to pass it yet.

Trish said...

Great Allen...now all I see is the stupid star waiting to pass!!! :)

Kat said...


This is so true about kids a prayer. Last night Ethan thanked Heavenly Father for the "wonderful and delicious shrimp" and "super yummy pasta". I gathered he liked what I made for dinner. :)