10 YEARS AGOOk, ten years ago. Am I really supposed to remember ten years ago? I can't remember yesterday as it is. I'll give it a try...
10 years ago I was here in good ole Provo...missing Cali like crazy...still not adjusted to the cold weather(yes, I had already lived here for like five years or so, but you know the saying...you can take the girl away from the beach but you can't take the beach out of the girl)...whatever...really bad phrasing.
Anyway, here in Provo with 3 kids and a husband, working part time a Nu Skin. Man, do I miss the freebies from working there.
5 THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST1.Finish painting the baseboards.(you don't really want to know how long they've been taped off just waiting.)
2.Finish cutting in the paint in my room. (this one is even worse...I won't give you a time frame, cuz then I'd really look lazy.)
3.Pluck my eyebrows. Did I tell you this was the story of my life already?
4.Lose weight...so what else is new?
5.Take new photos of the kids. It's quite sad really...the ones up now are already a couple of years old...you know the saying...the shoemaker's kids go without shoes.
5 SNACKS I ENJOY1.Well, apparently Spaghettios. I really thought they'd be gross after not having any for years. Kacy was right...not so bad.
2.Funyuns. My kids have re-introduced me to a lost love from the past...thanks guys...cuz I needed yet another "healthy" snack added to the mix. (ya, know...onions are vegetables.)
3.Colby Jack cheese. Enough said.
4.Bananas. But don't try and feed me anything "banana" flavored...blech!
5.And saving the best for last...Dr. Pepper! Enough said with this one too.
5 FOODS I LOVE1.Funeral potatoes...hands down the best dish ever served at any church functions.
2.Mom's roast
3.Mom's lasagna
4.Mom's soup
5.Pretty much anything my mom or anyone else besides me cooks. :)
WHAT WOULD I DO IF I WERE SUDDENLY A BILLIONAIREPay my tithing and make a huge fast offering donation. With the rest...make sure everyone I am close with is debt free. Oh...and I would buy a Mini Cooper.
5 PLACES I HAVE LIVED1.American Fork, Ut
2.Richardson, Tx.
3.Torrance, Ca.
4.Oceanside, Ca.
5.Rexburg, Id.
6.Springville, Ut.
7.Provo, Ut.
Yes, I know that's more than five...but that is all the places I have lived.
FAVORITE QUOTE"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." - Robert Frost
I now tag Gerb, Tricia, Krysta, Jenna, "Yolanda", and Carrie! :)
(If you've been tagged with this one recently, you have my permission to ignore me!)