Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My new favorite show...

Fall can't come fast enough.
And yes...I am a dork...have known it for need to point it out. :)


Gerb said...

Ok, Trish - you know me, the non-TV watching, musical dork... I need you to tell me about this show!

Bottom line: do I need to go back to cable T.V.? Because I could totally get into this if it's all about singing. Plus I love the one guy's red, froofy tuxedo shirt.

Last thought: Welcome back to blogging!

Trish said...

Gerb- you have no idea how many times I almost called you last night. I had recorded it and had to watch it late last night b/c no one except Becca was willing to watch it with point it was too late to call. The whole time I was like...I have to call Gerb, OMGosh Gerb would LOVE this, etc.

This is on good old Fox 13. This was the premier and won't be on until fall. However, you my friend can watch it online all summer long...go to Foxtv's website and search for Glee.

Word of caution...there were a couple of bits that were iffy, so watch it before you have your kids watch just in case. Hopefully they will not turn this into trash like so many other shows that start off good.

And finally...thanks for the welcome back...nothing like a good hiatus to fill the brain with so much to write about. Kind of feel like I am waking up from a deep sleep. :)

I'll call you when I get off work...seriously can't wait to see your reaction.

Gerb said...

Oh my gosh, Trish... when this comes out I think I will need to be a visitor at your house once a week. I found all kinds of deleted scenes from the premiere and I have watched this episode 3 times already. I am in love with the variety of the characters - just enough little quirky and cheesy things in there to make me roll my eyes (in a good way) and just enough totally stereotypical high school to make me laugh and just enough things that hit close to home to get me choked up. Plus, hello! Singing! Dancing!

Yeah, it's awesome.